quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011

Early Christmas Gift

Besides the Acromyrmex cf. octospinosis, I have chosen to keep one of the queens I was able to collect of another Acromyrmex species. These queens are a bit bigger than the octospinosis, and have a darker color too.

I left the queen I kept for a week to check if she would start her garden on her own. I have checked on her every morning. This morning I noticed that although she still had not developed any fungus, she already had a big pile of eggs on top of a leaf. This made me scrap my plan of waiting and act, so I got a tiny bit of fungus (about a tenth) of the octospinosis' garden. As soon as I popped the bit of fungus in, she rushed to spread her eggs in it and started furiously cutting up tiny bits of leaves to feed the fungus with. So maybe all she needed was this small jumpstart :)

2 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. Para iniciar a Acromyrmex, precisa apenas de uma bola de algodão ou papel humidificada e algumas pétalas de rosas picadas. Depois é só esperar pra ver se ela vai desenvolver o fungo. Se já tens alguma colônia de Acromyrmex, podes dar um pedaço do fungo para cada rainha nova, para acelerar o crescimento.
