quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

Many eggs!

The Pachycondyla queens I collected three days ago have layed many eggs. This is one of them:

This big girl is carrying a bundle of 5. She seems to be a caring mother ;)

4 comentários:

  1. E ae Marcelo!

    Kd as fotos da camponotus ligniperda pow?


  2. E aí, Bruno! A Camponotus ligniperdus tá na mesma, tá hibernando. As duas operárias mal saem do tubo de ensaio. Assim que houver alguma diferença eu vou postar, e com fotos. Abraço!

  3. Hello Marcelo, I have 3 Pachycondyla, I gave two for each larvae, each larva eat. And the next day 2 left 1 egg, but I suspect that one ate the egg, because in the morning he was there on the side of moist cotton and when I reached high school he was no longer there. Think she hid underneath the cotton?
